Most people in Ithaca heat with oil or gas, some even with grid electric although that could result in 1000 a month heating bills even in small home or apartment, and many people have a wood stove to augment their heating.

Our home is quite efficient, yet it could be better. Aside from using max use of the sun exposure and yes heating with the sun is a part of what we do, we heat just with wood... we will go through under a cord of wood this winter and it was a long winter. Many people who heat with wood go through 6 to 7 cord in a winter around here. Last year we used 3/4 cord and the year before we used 3/4 cord. A pittance compared to anyone I know in the Northeast. My buddy has $600-$700 a month heating bills using oil AND he will go through 5 - 6 cord of wood.

When funding allows I plan to heat MORE with solar using solar heat collectors.

Last edited by Yogi 000; 03/25/08 04:57 PM.
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