Oh, heck, Brent,

Don't let a little internecine discussion ruin y'r joy of sharing. At a Gilding Seminar, one of the leading lights from the Smithsonian's Conservation Analytical Labs pointed out that "we are like minded people, with an intense common interest, bitterly divided by minutiae."

As was pointed out recently by such luminaries as Lowell Glenthorne and that Minneapolis fella, this edition of the BBS is a haven of civility and good fellowship, compared to Cyber-Frontier, OK Corral atmosphere that once ruled. Many of the real scholars have returned, and there is a real sharing of knowledge. BTW, I count y'r engraving contribution as such.

Like rocks in a flowing river, with time, we get our rough edges smoothed down and can tumble along in relative peace. Altho, the sound of stones knocking together IS occasionaly heard in the current. ;~`)

Relax; we're all experts here.