Just about everything I've read on this thread is close to my experiences. However, to be fair, the people who staff most of the gun libraries have been hired locally and are not experts in any of these fields. They're salaried people trying to do their job. Think about how long many of us have poured over double guns and all their nuances. Years. And that's just for one tiny segment of the gun business. I'm sure there are as many details to learn for rifles, pistols, and other shotguns. Wow! I can tell you almost every fine detail about a Parker or a Birmingham boxlock but hand me a Luger and it's just a Luger to me. How am I to know.

I do get frustrated sometimes visiting with a Cabelas store on the phone with their inability to answer some questions. But on the whole I've found they try their best. And as someone mentioned above, you can't beat their 30 day return with no questions asked. What other dealer has that sort of policy? I recently had a shotgun of theirs for over four weeks and decided to return it. Absolutely no problem from them and a full refund was promptly made. If necessary, I'm willing to pay a little more for service like this.

When an old man dies a library burns to the ground. (Old African proverb)