marine - fix the helicopters good! I still appreciate what you are doing.

Experience seems to show that for all the strength of the action, the M-21 has the usual issues with barrel-rib separation, hinge pin/hook wear, trigger malfunctions, and spring issues. From a true testing stand-point, the W-W proof test was more of a stunt than a test. That said, it is still a very desirable gun.

A 30" or 32" gun is likely to be tightly choked. Before you cut the chokes out, I'd suggest you try using spreader loads when you need open choke effect. I am currently using a NID 4E 32" F-M in trap configuration for sporting clays to very good effect. I load 1 oz #8 in standard wads in black Remington hulls and same shot charge over X-post spreader wads in green Remington hulls. When I walk into the box, I have a choice of 4 chokes by sellecting among the two barrel chokes and the two loads. you can always have chokes reamed, but it is hard to put the back without tubing.