I fully understand why some of the RBL customers have gotten upset with them for the information/lack there of that they've gotten. The deliveries being later than what most of us expected is the real culprit, all the other things just compound it, IMO.

I even understand customers being so pissed as to promise never to do biz with them again. Some 20 or more yrs ago, my good friend wanted a gun safe. We went to a local mfr/store and were treated very badly by an apparently drug intoxicated son of the owner with rings in his nose and tatoos all over. My friend being of John Wayne type, said let's get out of here. He said something to the effect of "...see this face? You'll never see it in here again." From then on, it was a running joke when we'd walk out of a retailer that we had a bad experience with, we'd say "Let's 'safe' em." That saying was just used very jokingly by him a couple weeks ago when we left a restaurant where we got bad service while traveling in Wyoming where we were very unlikely to be again anyway.

Me? I guess I'm a 'good little customer' and I'm going to take it like it's spooned out...for now. I fully expected this current situation could happen on the RBL but hoped it wouldn't. So, I'm not out in territory where I'm upset with CSM...yet anyway. My recollection was that this kind of situation was discussed here back when the gun was offered, early on. I and many others believed it would be very difficult for CSM during these times.