- Double guns: Side by Side Double Barreled Shotguns and SxS Double Rifles

Videos from the 2000 Vintage cup!
- The Vintage Cup -
World Side-by-Side Championships

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Orvis Sandanona Shooting Grounds
Millbrook, NY

September 20th, 21st, 22nd & 23rd 2001

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For those of you who could not make the show....some videos to show what you missed!
(This page was complete as of 10/7/00)

Stopping rifle...

4 Bore Proper (600k mov)
4 Bore Ouch!....When Double Rifles Go Astray! (800k mov)
(This one scared me half to death! 4 Bore doubles and takes on a life of it's own!)

8 Bore Charge (800k mov)
8 Bore Proper with Reload!
(1.4M mov)

All videos are in Apple Quick Time
mov format 240x180x12fps. You will need to get the
plug in to view them. Go here to get it!

Go easy on the video downloads....they are big! Please save
the video to your hard drive to conserve my bandwidth!

Pictures from the 2012 Vintage Cup

Pictures from the 2011 Vintage Cup

Pictures from the 2010 Vintage Cup

Pictures from the 2009 Vintage Cup

Pictures from the 2008 Vintage Cup

Pictures from the 2007 Vintage Cup

Pictures from the 2006 Vintage Cup

Pictures from the 2005 Vintage Cup

Pictures from the 2004 Vintage Cup

Pictures from the 2003 Vintage Cup

Pictures from the 2002 Vintage Cup

Pictures from the 2001 Vintage Cup

Pictures from the 2000 Vintage Cup

Videos from the 2000 Vintage Cup

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Updated 10/04/09 DCW - Copyright (c) 2009,